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A New Therapeutic Option for Weight Loss

Why Fasting Can be a Game Changer

Dr. Jason Fung
7 min readJul 11, 2018


Megan Ramos and I started using intermittent fasting in the sometime around 2013. At the time, the entire notion of fasting smelled faintly of quackery. The prevailing wisdom was that skipping meals was an entirely suicidal idea, from a weight standpoint. After all, everybody ‘knew’ that skipping meals would make you so ravenously hungry that you would be helpless to resist stuffing donuts by the box into your mouth.

Dr. Michael Mosley and myself

Indeed, when we started, I had never heard anybody talk about fasting. It just sort of occurred to me one day that if you wanted to lose weight, then maybe just not eating was a good idea. I was a physician, and I ask people to fast all the time. When people go for surgery, they need to fast the night before. When people go for a colonoscopy, they need to fast for 24–48 hours. When people go for fasting bloodwork, they need to fast. So, I knew that fasting wasn’t completely out of the question.

But nevertheless, my initial reaction to this thought was that it would never work. But then I paused. I thought to…



Dr. Jason Fung

Nephrologist. New York Times best selling author. Interest in type 2 diabetes reversal and intermittent fasting. Founder