Controlling the Body’s ‘Fat Thermostat’
Dealing with weight rebounds
Contrary to what most people believe, long term weight loss is not simply about cutting a few calories here and there. Sure, it sounds like it works, but the bottom line is that it does not. This has been proven in countless studies and also the countless tears of unsuccessful dieters desperately counting their calories like Ebenezer Scrooge counting his pennies. We pretend we live in a world where nutrition demands scientifically rigorous proof that prescribed treatments are effective. So, where are the studies that show that cutting calories causes long term weight loss? After 50 years of desperate, intense research, guess how many studies prove its effectiveness? How about zero? That’s right, Nada. Zilch. Zero. The only reason we think the ‘caloric reduction as primary’ strategy is effective is because it’s been repeated so often. It’s like Santa Claus. When I was a kid, I thought “So, some random guy is just going to give me presents for no reason?” But repeated often enough, these tales gain an undeserved sheen of truth.