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Understanding Hunger — The Body Fat Thermostat Part 3

Hunger is a hormonal state — here’s the hormonal regulators

Dr. Jason Fung
7 min readFeb 1, 2024


In Part 1 of the Body Fat Thermostat, we discussed how body fat is highly regulated like a thermostat, and not merely left to the vagaries of how much we eat in a day. We considered the mechanisms for homeostasis, according to the Energy Balance Equation.

Body Fat = Calories In Minus Calories Out

Homeostasis of the Body Set Weight (BSW) means that if you lose weight, your body will try to regain that weight. In Part 2 of the Body Fat Thermostat, we discussed one mechanism- by reducing how many calories it burns (Calories Out). Eating fewer calories simply caused the body to burn fewer calories (mainly through the reduction of energy expenditure — body heat etc.) which meant that you lose a lot less weight than you expect.

In part 3, we’ll discuss how the BSW affects hunger. If you lose weight, your body will increase hunger to make you eat more, and regain that lost weight.

This understanding of the BSW is CRITICAL for weight loss, because it means that successful weight loss depends on adjusting the Fat Thermostat rather than adjusting Calories.

You Lose Weight, you get More Hungry



Dr. Jason Fung

Nephrologist. New York Times best selling author. Interest in type 2 diabetes reversal and intermittent fasting. Founder